Healthy Fun & Hormone-Friendly Food Dishes To Bring To Holiday Parties
Master Self-Love with Journaling
Taking care of yourself is so important for our health, and one of the quickest and most intentional ways to start a self-care routine is to understand the value in journaling! Don't worry, it doesn't have to be some scary process of 'diary-ing' your life like when we were 'tweens! This e-book is going to help you get on the path of self-love in an easy and fun way so that you can get back to feeling like your best!
5 Steps to Restore Your Energy in 28 Days!
In this guide, I am going to share 5 of the simplest, gentlest, most effective things I learned that help supports your body to restore your energy levels and reset your health so you finally have a chance to improve and balance.
Because you deserve to be an amazing and energetic woman, let’s get you feeling great and vibrant again!
Click the download button to grab the guide!
7 Ways to Banish Belly Bloat
- 95% of your serotonin (the happy hormone) is manufactured in your digestive system.
- 80% of your immune system is manufactured in your digestive system.
Focus on strengthening this part of your body, the gateway to your health. You will boost your immune system, lose weight with ease, feel less bloated, uncover hidden food allergies, and, most of all, digest with ease, which means looking and feeling fabulous!
Grab this e-book to learn how you can ditch belly-bloating with seven easy steps in your life!
How to Eat Clean During the Holidays
As the holidays get closer, you feel an overwhelming feeling of joy knowing what they bring. You will get to spend more time with your family, hopefully, be able to take some time off work, and participate in your annual traditions that occur around this time. Unfortunately, another thing that tends to happen every year during the holiday season is dealing with stress, parties, food, and weight gain.
Eat Your Way To Beautifully Clear Skin
Anyone can eat healthy to get fit, just like anyone can eat healthy to get better skin! 🍎
Yes - you read that correctly! 👀 You can get better skin by improving your diet!
There are plenty of treatments and serums aimed at helping you with your skin but the best thing you can do is feed your body right! 🥰
When you provide your body with essential nutrients, you can get that radiant, youthful glow so easily! ✨
Grab this free guide that's all about teaching you how to eat for beautiful, clear, and radiant skin!
5 Hacks for Clean Eating
Discover Simple, Time-Saving Hacks To Eat Clean And Feel Incredible!
5 Clean Eating Hacks
Discover how to eat clean so you can feel AMAZING in no time at all!
In this guide, we will cover ...
- How to avoid foods that are wreaking havoc on your body and causing unwanted symptoms!
- How to eat clean so you can feel incredible and enjoy food that is not only good for you but also tastes delicious!
- How to save time and prepare healthy meals even if you’re busy and work a 9-to-5!
- And so much more!
Metabolism-Boosting Recipe Guide & Meal Plans!
Metabolism is described as the overall chemical reactions inside a human body that changes nutrients from food into energy. Proper metabolism also helps the body function normally, such as with breathing, digestion of food, cell repair, etc.
All of the metabolic processes require energy to work properly. The minimum amount of this required energy is known as basal metabolic rate (BMR). Low BMR is frequently described as ‘slow metabolism.’
It can be caused by a range of issues in the body, one of them being nutrition! A lack of protein and essential nutrients can cause the metabolism to slow down in preparation for protecting itself.
Grab this recipe guide and 4 weeks of suggested meal plans which can help you get on track with clean eating, loaded with protein, and metabolism-boosting nutrients so you can get back to feeling great!
5 Ways to Boost Metabolism
Women can have a slow, fast, or normal metabolism and many factors can influence the speed of our metabolism. Slow metabolism means that our body cannot properly burn all the calories, which leads to the storage of calories in the form of fat.
A slow metabolism, and its warning signs, are often the last warnings that you have something else going on in the body!
Learn the warning signs and simple lifestyle steps you can take to boost your metabolism in this 12 page guide!
12 Superfood to Boost Your Energy During All 4 Weeks of Your Cycle
I was 16 years old when my energy levels took a nosedive and came to a crashing halt. I had trouble getting out of bed in the morning, I was always tired, I never felt rested, and I was so sluggish that it felt like I was physically dragging my body around.
It would be nearly 10 years before my energy levels would come back, and in that time, I was facing a laundry list of symptoms and complaints that all stemmed back to my hormones. Things like painful and irregular periods, extreme mood swings, constant weight fluctuations, adult acne, and catching every cold during all 4 seasons of the year were all part of my ‘normal’.
As I began to clean up my diet, combat my symptoms with lifestyle-based solutions, and get validation from my medical team that there was, in fact, a hormonal imbalance going on, I realized that it was NOT ‘normal’ to feel like this or to be battling these symptoms.
It was certainly common, evident to me now by the hundreds of women that I help every year who battle energy issues, weight gain, PCOS, Endometriosis, painful periods, and constant chronic fatigue; but it was NOT normal.
I’m happy to report that, though it may feel hopeless for you right now, you CAN actually have youthful energy and feel good every day! Grab this free guide to use as a reference for the foods you can be eating during the different times of your cycle to elevate your energy levels, and keep them there!
Energy-Boosting Recipe Guide & Meal Plan
The importance of superfoods does not stop at their excellent taste or energy-boosting properties. Due to their high nutritional value, they play a vital role in maintaining other needs of the human body such as hormones, sleep, sex drive, gut, mood, etc. Check out how these superfoods can influence other areas of your body. And since our bodily systems are all tightly interconnected and related, if you’ve got a deficit in one system, you will start to notice it in others as well.
Learning how to maintain your energy levels, and live your best life, during all 4 weeks of your cycle is a simple way to start taking control of your body instead of your period running your life!
This recipe guide and 4 weeks of meal plans is the perfect way to get started!
Toxin-Free Living for Better Periods
I was 16 years old when my energy levels took a nosedive and came to a crashing halt. I had trouble getting out of bed in the morning, I was always tired, I never felt rested, and I was so sluggish that it felt like I was physically dragging my body around.
It would be nearly 10 years before my energy levels would come back, and in that time, I was facing a laundry list of symptoms and complaints that all stemmed back to my hormones. Things like painful and irregular periods, extreme mood swings, constant weight fluctuations, adult acne, and catching every cold during all 4 seasons of the year were all part of my ‘normal’.
As I began to clean up my diet, combat my symptoms with lifestyle-based solutions, and get validation from my medical team that there was, in fact, a hormonal imbalance going on, I realized that it was NOT ‘normal’ to feel like this or to be battling these symptoms.
It was certainly common, evident to me now by the hundreds of women that I help every year who battle energy issues, weight gain, PCOS, Endometriosis, painful periods, and constant chronic fatigue; but it was NOT normal.
I’m happy to report that, though it may feel hopeless for you right now, you CAN actually live in harmony with your period, rather than in fear, and feel good every day! Grab this free guide to use as a reference for toxin-free living!
Toxin-Free Recipe Guide & Meal Plan
The importance of living toxin-free cannot be understated. With over 500+ chemicals slowing down our livers and digestive system every day, we must be putting good food into our bodies to help us naturally detox from their harmful effects. Since so much of how we feel every day is dictated by our endocrine system, playing a vital role in maintaining other needs of the human body such as hormones, sleep, sex drive, gut, mood, etc, helping our liver detox properly can go a long way to alleviating nasty period problems like excess pain, PMS, and weight issues.
Check out how these simple and tasty recipes can influence other areas of your body, too. And since our bodily systems are all tightly interconnected and related, if you’ve got a deficit in one system, you will start to notice it in others as well.
While this isn't an inclusive list, this recipe guide and 4 weeks of meal plans are the perfect way to get started on your journey to a healthier liver and reduced toxin overload!
28 Complete Recipes
Grab this FREE 28 Recipe Guide to see some of my favourite ways to enjoy Complete in our home!
Hormone-Friendly Holiday Snacks
This recipe guide is exactly what you need to help you have a healthy holiday season, preventing you from feeling your best! Be sure to SAVE this guide to your phone, laptop, or whatever device you're using so that you have regular access to it whenever you need it!
If you have a friend that you think would love this (or maybe you want to do it together), please remember that sharing is caring and I'd appreciate the referral!
If you have any questions about the guide or feel that you are really ready to get rid of those toxins and clear up your body, have a look at my Work With Me page to find a program that's right for you and that so many women have found success in naturally rebalancing their hormones!
3-Day Holiday Reboot
This guide is exactly what you need to help you gain back a bit of traction in your health after the holiday season! It's simple, easy-to-follow-and has tasty recipes that will leave you full for hours but light and energetic!
Be sure to SAVE this guide to your phone, laptop, or whatever device you're using so that you have regular access to it whenever you need it!
If you have a friend that you think would love this (or maybe you want to do it together), please remember that sharing is caring and I'd appreciate the referral!
Become the Best Version of Yourself
If you're ready to start loving your life and ditch the behaviours that leave you feeling empty, drained, and exhausted, then THIS ebook is for you!
In 10 chapters, you're going to assess yourself and how you project yourself. Then you'll discover your triggers and your barriers, how to create healthy and appropriate boundaries that you can stand by confidently, increase your self-esteem, connect with your authenticity, reconnect with your inner child, tame your inner voice and that harsh critic, and increase your self-awareness!
If you're ready to invest in coaching to help you on this journey, reach out to my trusted and experienced colleague, Charlena, who can guide you in becoming the person you've always wanted to be!
Be sure to SAVE this guide to your phone, laptop, or whatever device you're using so that you have regular access to it whenever you need it!
If you have a friend that you think would love this (or maybe you want to do it together), please remember that sharing is caring and I'd appreciate the referral!
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