
Late-Night Food Cravings

Do you find yourself reaching for snacks late at night? Are you worried about the effects of snacking before bed? If you've been asking yourself these questions, you're not alone. As a holistic nutritionist, I'm frequently asked about the potential harm of indulging in late-night cravings. In this blog article, we're going to dispel some of the myths and explore the truth about late-night snacking.

My name is Jenn J, and I specialize in helping overwhelmed and exhausted mothers recharge their batteries and feel great again in their bodies. From addressing energy and sleep issues to weight and hormonal imbalances, I take a non-dieting approach to wellness to help my clients achieve long-term results!

So, if you've been wondering whether late-night snacking is good or bad, stick around. We're going to dive into what these cravings really mean and explore whether they're harmful or not. Let's get started! Continue reading below, or watch the video above!

Have you ever found yourself constantly dieting, restricting food intake, and over-exercising to lose weight, only to see no lasting results? If so, you're not alone. As a nutritionist, I've seen many women struggle with this approach to weight loss. In fact, it's a journey I once went through myself.

I used to believe that losing weight was the key to being healthier, and my doctors reinforced that belief. However, as I focused solely on weight loss, I found myself on a dieting rollercoaster, constantly on and off different diets. I restricted my food intake, over-exercised, and became obsessed with my weight. It wasn't until much later that I discovered I had a hormonal imbalance that was causing my weight gain.

During my dieting years, I found that I was doing well during the day, sticking to my restricted way of eating. However, by the end of the night, I was starving, experiencing intense food cravings, and binging on unhealthy foods. It took me a long time to shift away from this dieting mindset and understand that weight gain is often a signal from our bodies that something else is going on.

While excess body fat can contribute to health issues, weight gain isn't always the problem. It's important to address the underlying issue that's causing the weight gain, which is often a hormonal imbalance, nutrient depletion, or insulin resistance. In fact, many women struggle to lose weight because they don't address the root cause of their weight gain.

Instead of viewing late-night eating as inherently bad, it's important to understand what your body is trying to tell you. If you're frequently hungry at night or craving certain foods, it's a warning sign that something else is happening in your body that needs to be addressed. In fact, late-night food cravings can be a common symptom of hormonal imbalances or nutrient deficiencies.

In this article, we'll bust some of the myths about late-night food cravings and discuss what they could mean for your health. We'll also explore why diets often fail and offer tips for developing a nutrient-dense eating plan that works for your body. Remember, nothing is inherently good or bad, and it's all about understanding what your body is trying to tell you.

So here's one of the first reasons you might be experiencing late-night food cravings or hunger:


Dehydration is a common reason for food cravings, especially in the evening. When your body is dehydrated, it can be difficult to distinguish between thirst and hunger. As a result, you may end up consuming more calories than necessary. Drinking water can help keep you hydrated and curb your appetite. Warm water, lemon water, or chamomile tea are great options for evening hydration as they can help relax your body and prepare it for sleep. Drinking a glass of water before a meal can also help reduce your food intake by making you feel fuller.


Nutritional Deficiency

Nutritional deficiency can also be a reason for evening cravings. Your body needs a balanced intake of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to function properly. When you follow a restrictive diet or cut back on calories, you may not be getting all the essential nutrients your body needs. This can leave you feeling hungry and craving certain foods. Adding wholesome snacks to your diet can help you satisfy your cravings while also providing your body with the nutrients it needs. Good snack options include fruits, nuts, and vegetables.



Habit is another reason for evening cravings. You may be accustomed to snacking in the evening or turning to food for emotional comfort or boredom relief. To break this habit, it's important to check in with your body and determine whether you're truly hungry or simply craving food out of habit. If you're not hungry, try engaging in a different activity to distract yourself, such as going for a walk or practicing a relaxing activity like yoga or meditation. Over time, your body will adjust to the new habit and you may find that you no longer crave food in the evening.


Lack of Sleep

Finally, lack of sleep can also lead to evening cravings. When you stay up past your body's natural sleep cues, it can trigger an increase in the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite. Additionally, when you're tired, your body may crave sugary or high-carbohydrate foods for quick energy. To avoid evening cravings caused by lack of sleep, it's important to establish a consistent sleep schedule and aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. You can also try practicing relaxation techniques before bed to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.


To summarize, if you find yourself experiencing evening cravings, it's essential to listen to your body and figure out what it's trying to tell you. It could be that you're dehydrated, lacking essential nutrients, falling into unhealthy habits, or disrupting your sleep patterns. By becoming more aware of your body's signals, you can make better choices and improve your overall health and well-being. Remember, if you're feeling genuinely hungry, it's always okay to eat. Just make sure to choose nutritious options that nourish your body and help you feel satisfied.

Top Secrets to Fast Meal Prepping

Hello Busy Moms!

Are you tired of struggling to eat healthily because you just don't have enough time? Well, you're in luck because today I'm going to be sharing with you some of my top-secret hacks for fast meal prepping that have brought my entire meal prep time down from half a day to just an hour or so every week!

Before we get started, I want to introduce myself. My name is Jenn J, and I'm a nutritionist for the whole family. I help empower overwhelmed and exhausted mothers to recharge their batteries and feel good again in their bodies.

I'm excited to share my meal-prepping secrets with you today, you can either continue reading below or watch the 11-minute video above!

Let's get started!

When I first started meal prepping, my life was simple: my husband was working out of town, we lived alone in a small two-bedroom apartment with my dog, and we had no children. I worked shift work, so my schedule was all over the place, but I would spend one day a month batch-prepping entire meals to stuff the freezer with.

Then my work demands got heavier, my schedule became less flexible, and my husband started working in town, so we were both at home consistently for regular meals. We had just bought our first house, we began renovations of the kitchen within a few months of moving in, and I was still dealing with my own health issues and gaining weight, so I was really trying to figure out a way to eat healthily and actually make it work for me without taking up more of my time.

What I ended up doing was meal prepping on Sundays for the week. At first, it took me several hours to pump out maybe 10 lunches for the week. But as I've refined this process and gotten better at it, I now only spend about one to two hours a week, and I pump out lunches and snacks for the three of us here in the house!

The cool thing is that because I've refined this process, I'm able to turn all of that prep work into full meals that actually cater to everyone in my home, which saves me so much time during the week at supper time! At the end of a long day or even in the middle of one, staring at a shelf of ingredients and imagining them into a healthy meal is actually really overwhelming, and I was in that struggle when I started meal prepping.

Here are some of the secrets that I use in my house to make meal prepping easy and fast:

  1. Batch your ingredients. After you get home from shopping, before you put everything away, decide what everything's being used for and create batches for the week. Items that are being used together in a recipe will actually go together in a tub, box, or bag in your fridge with a label saying what meal it will be.

  2. Cook ahead. Once you've decided what ingredients are being used for what recipes and what your meals are going to look like all week, prepare a bunch of your ingredients beforehand. This generally takes me one to two hours.

  3. Measure out.  Measure out ingredients that you generally buy in bulk so you don't have to continually get large bags or boxes out of the pantry.

  4. Double & Triple up! When you're cooking meals, double or triple a recipe to be portioned out at lunches, dinner leftovers for later in the week, or be frozen for another meal when you have less time than normal.

By following these four simple steps, you can save yourself so much time during the week and have ready-made meals or low cook-time meals waiting for you at the end of the day when you get home from work!

At the end of the day, nobody wants to spend hours in the kitchen, and I was at that point when I started working my nine-to-five, living in renovations, and being pregnant. I just didn't have the energy in me to go through all of that during the day and then spend at least an hour in the kitchen every night!

So, if you're short on time, give these tips a try!


How To Create a Stress-Reducing Habit When You Have No Time!

How To Create a Stress-Reducing Habit When You Have No Time!

How To Create a Stress-Reducing Habit 

When You Have No Time!

Stress - we deal with it on a regular basis and hear about it all the time. It’s in the news. We read about it in magazines and see it talked about online.  Your doctor may have even talked with you about managing your stress, but is it really such a big deal?

What is stress anyway?  The Miriam Webster dictionary defines stress as a “physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation.”

I was actually pleasantly surprised to find that this definition included the less obvious result of stress, which can, in fact, be disease.  Not that I’m happy about stress-causing disease, but I think most people don’t realize the huge impact it can have on our health.  The definition went on to show examples of using the word ‘stress’ in a sentence that was also appropriate for this blog today - “Hormones are released into the body in response to emotional stress.” 

Here’s What Happens in Your Body with Stress…

“When you encounter a perceived threat - a large dog barks at you during your morning walk, for instance - your hypothalamus, a tiny region at the base of your brain, sets off an alarm system in your body. Through a combination of nerve and hormonal signals, this system prompts your adrenal glands, located atop your kidneys, to release a surge of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol.

Adrenaline increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure, and boosts energy supplies. Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, increases sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream, enhances your brain's use of glucose, and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues.

Cortisol also curbs functions that would be nonessential or detrimental in a fight-or-flight situation. It alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system, the reproductive system, and growth processes. This complex natural alarm system also communicates with regions of your brain that control mood, motivation, and fear.

The long-term activation of the stress-response system - and the subsequent overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones - can disrupt almost all your body's processes” - Mayo Clinic

So, as you probably guessed, the answer to the question “Is stress really such a big deal?" Is “Yes” - IF you care about your health.

Holding on to stress is a habit that many of us have without even realizing we’re clinging to it. All this stress can pile up in physical aspects causing knots in your neck or back, or it can put a strain on your mental health keeping you from the best parts of life.

Sustained stress can actually lead to reduced immune system function, genetic mutations, hormone imbalances, menstrual dysfunction, sleep disruption, and day-to-day disruptions like lower energy levels, burnout, food cravings, and weight gain.

And let me tell you, I am NO stranger to the damaging effects of stress! The sad part is that because stress is such a contact part of our daily lives, I truly believed that it was normal to always feel stressed and that there was little that I could do to change it.

And the funny (okay, not actually funny, but weird) thing about stress in my life a decade ago was that I used to THRIVE in environments where I was experiencing stress! I could stay up for days at a time, I could get a TON of work done, I could multi-task like nobody's business, and I was sharp as a whip.

I learned the hard way when I experienced complete and utter burnout, total fatigue, painful periods that brought me to my knees, and mood swings that could deaden a room, that this was a coping mechanism brought on by years of compounding stress.

I liked always being busy and used to brag about how little sleep I needed to function, and how productive I could always be...But in the same breath, complain about how much pain I had in my muscles and joints, and how I was frustrated I was from dealing with period problems.

I actually had to teach myself how to slow down AND why it was important to do so. 

A simple, healthy habit you can develop that will take the pressure off your mind and body, and DRASTICALLY improve your health, is to develop a stress outlet! This is a simple way to let off steam from any pressure you feel in your daily life and keep it from being a hindrance to your health.

Managing this can be as simple as creating a journaling and meditation habit! Spending time each day putting your feelings into words through journaling gives you a way to look back and see your progress as well as identify any areas within your life that require more attention.

Believe me, I was the person who rolled their eyes and scoffed at anyone who told me to 'take a bubble bath' or to try 'deep breathing', so I can totally understand why you might have some hesitation about what I'm going to share with you. 

And I used to 'try' to do these things and felt that they never worked for me, plus, I was WAY too busy to have TIME to do any of that! It seemed like such a waste of time to journal (what would I write about, anyway?) or to meditate (too much going on in my brain to sit there for that long)! 

I'm not proud of it, but I had a lot of excuses (useless ones) for why I couldn't make any of it work. It took me a long time to commit to managing my stress and finding a solution that worked for my Type A, fast-paced brain. 

When the truth of the matter is that it actually stressed me out to try to fit a new routine into my life. 

Imagine that: I was feeling stressed about adding a stress-reducing habit into my life because I didn't think I had the time for these habits!!!

Until I had a much deeper look into my life, where I was spending my time, where my energy was going, and what I was committing to (sometimes without even realizing it).

Now that I've discovered how to find the time to add stress-reducing habits into my life, I shudder to think back on what might have happened if I had continued that way for a few more years!

Now, I sit here, 5 years into this journey of true stress management, and I can't believe how different I feel! 

  • Real true energy - not bursts of anxiety and motivational pushes
  • Proper sleep routines - instead of staying up for days at a time and then crashing
  • No more body pains - Fibromyalgia (widespread body pain) is a horrible way to live and is manageable through lifestyle
  • Regular periods - consistency is a big deal in my world
  • Painless (or barely noticeable pain) periods - not having to FEAR my period has brought me so much internal peace!

I was literally running my body into the ground. And now I see this all of the time in my practice: moms who are over-scheduled, overworked, overwhelmed, highly stressed and burning out. 

And they're coming to me with the same problems I was facing so I thought I'd share with you 5 quick and easy ways that you can develop a stress outlet without becoming stressed about creating a new habit!

  1. Know what stresses you out
    • write down all of the things that stress you out or make you feel overwhelmed - you could do this while sitting on the toilet instead of watching TikToks!
  2. Identify how you feel when you're stressed and even better, in the moments before you feel stressed
    • this requires you to take note of how you're feeling in the moment when it's happening
    • what do you notice about your body? 
    • what labels can you put on your emotions?
    • where in your body are you feeling 'stress'?
  3. Figure out what makes you happy, relaxed, or fulfilled
    • again, momma, do this while you're sitting on the toilet, laying in bed, nursing baby, or tending to a sick child
    • this could be a really easy task or if you've been in the depth of motherhood for quite some time, it may take a few tries for you to answer this
  4. Evaluate your current schedule and remove items that are time or energy-sucking
    • is it really necessary to scroll social media for an hour? Yes, it's numbing and helps you 'unwind' but it's also still not allowing your mind and body to decompress together
    • is binge-watching your favourite TV show also necessary? What about doing some yoga while you watch ONE episode and then plan your next day in the time you would usually watch episode 2 or 3. 
  5. Use that time to slide in a few options to take care of yourself
    • how much time have you been able to find in your day? 
    • what activities are you going to do to reduce your stress?
    • how much time do those activities need?
    • do you need support from anyone in order to make that happen?
    • does your spouse need to do bedtime a few nights a week for you to have that time for yourself?
    • can waking up 15 minutes before everyone give you that peace and quiet to collect yourself and mentally prepare for the day?

Need some suggestions for meditation - which can be EXTREMELY helpful in reducing stress, but also for helping you complete the above 5 steps? 

Here are 5 simple, but highly effective, techniques for meditation:

Walking Meditation: If you don’t like sitting for long periods of time, then walking meditation might just be the thing for you.  You will have to focus on your body while moving.  While your arms and legs swing, feel them uplift and extend. Feel your feet as they rise and touch the ground while keeping your mind focused on the moment, instead of paying attention to other things.

Breathing Meditation: Get in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and inhale slowly through your nose. Hold your breath for a pause and then exhale it through your mouth again slowly. 

Mindfulness Meditation: To practice this one, your mind needs to be present in the right moment. Start by focusing on your breath and continue by feeling other sensations in different parts of your body.

Mantra Meditation: This meditation can be practiced by repeating a sacred word, such as “aum,” in order to bring your mind to a state of focused tranquility. You can repeat the mantra aloud or repeat it silently.

Empty Mind Meditation: This meditation technique allows you to be fully aware without a specific focus. Simply sit in a peaceful place in a good posture and let your thoughts float without passing any judgment on them. 

These meditation techniques are simple ways to start your meditation practice or enhance and refocus your existing one.

You can also spend time focusing on avoiding any areas of high stress to keep from being completely overwhelmed. Journaling about these areas of high stress can help you identify any extra stressors that need to be avoided.

My Fave 6 Holiday Desserts That Are BOTH Delish And Healthy!

My Fave 6 Holiday Desserts That Are BOTH Delish And Healthy!

My Fave 6 Holiday Desserts That Taste Delish And Are Healthy

'Tis the season for delicious, sweet treats! But if you're looking to indulge in something festive without ruining your diet, look no further. These healthy holiday desserts will have your taste buds singing with joy—without any of the guilt.

What's one of the best things about the holiday season? The desserts, of course! But if you're trying to watch your waistline, traditional desserts might not be the best option. This year, why not try some healthy dessert recipes that are just as tasty as your old favorites? Healthy desserts can be a great way to cut down on calories during the holiday season, while still enjoying your favorite treats. By choosing dishes that are low in sugar and fat, you can indulge without feeling guilty.


Let’s check out some holiday desserts that are healthy AND taste just as good as the original it’s based on!


Warm up your ovens and ready your taste buds – it's time for some healthy holiday desserts!

1. Coconut Rice Pudding

Traditional rice pudding has a lot of sugar, dairy, and eggs. I know because it was my absolute favourite snack/dessert when I was growing up. Check out page 20 of the Healthy & Warm Cookbook for a simple rice pudding recipe that you can make in your pressure cooker.  If you don't have a pressure cooker, you can make this on the stove in about 30 minutes using the same directions on the rice package to cook your pudding; or throw it all into a slow cooker for 4 hours on low and smell the loveliness for hours throughout the house!


2. Baked Apples

This one is easy AND delicious. It's so much tastier and healthier than an apple crisp and toppings can be customized for each person in the family! Grab page 21 of the Healthy & Warm Cookbook for this amazing dessert!


3. Gluten-Free Molton Lava Cakes

Found on page 22 of the Healthy & Warm Cookbook, this one does not disappoint! All you need is a slow cooker and you can make this upside-down lava cake for up to 6 people! I love that it's gluten-free, so I don't have to worry about the gluten upsetting my digestive system and I can actually FEEL GOOD eating this!

4. Gluten-Free Brownies

A simple, go-to dessert that you can't go wrong with! Brownies are a hit with the kids and are extra fun when topped with a scoop of banana nice cream! And they're even more exciting when you can make them in your air fryer! Head over to page 17 of these Healthy Air Fryer Recipes to grab your recipe!


5. Air-Fryer Carmalized Bananas

I don't know about you, but this simple dessert has become a bit of an addiction for me! I love pairing it with a small dollop of vanilla, plant-based yogurt on the side and topping it with toasted walnuts.  Find it on page 18 of the Healthy Air Fryer Recipes and give it a try! It only takes 7 minutes!


6. No-Bake Energy Cookies or Balls**

You can't go wrong with a no-bake cookie recipe, and when they're designed with both taste and fuel in mind, they make THE PERFECT guilt-free dessert or snack for any time of the holidays! So go ahead and eat a few - you'll feel great for doing so!  This Complete Recipes book is LOADED, but for some particularly festive options, try my favourites (just squish them flat to look like a cookie, or roll them in a ball like the recipe instructions say):

  • Snow Aloha - page 7
  • Minty Thin Treats - page 7
  • Almond Joy Snowballs - page 8
  • Cold Hot Chocolate - page 9
  • Cherry Cheesecake - page 14
  • Snowballs - page 15
  • Mint Chocolate Chip - page 19
  • Cranberry Pistachio - page 20
  • People Puppy Chow - page 51
  • No-Bake Cookies - page 55

**For the best results in these recipes, make sure that you grab an order of my perfectly fueled plant-based protein powder - safe for the whole family! 


With the holidays just around the corner, it’s important to think about what you want to eat. You don’t need to deprive yourself of your favorite desserts during this time of year! There are plenty of healthy options that will keep you on track with your goals for the new year and beyond.

I hope you’ve found this blog to be insightful and helpful. If so, please share it with your friends who are looking for festive recipes that will satisfy their sweet tooth without adding extra pounds!

Happy Holidays!

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