
Benefits of Chia Seeds for Hormonal Health


I don’t know about you, but my first introduction to chia seeds was through the incredible novelty toy called the Chia Pet!  Remember those? Ch-ch-ch-Chia! How surprised was I a few years ago when these funky little seeds began making waves on the health food scene!  

Chia seeds are one of the easiest add-in options for health!  Rich in omega-3 fats and lots of healthy fiber, these tiny seeds are also hydrophilic, which means they absorb and retain water.   

Here are some benefits of chia seeds which are not only incredibly supportive of your hormonal balance but are also essential for brain and body too! 


  • Balanced bits of protein, fiber, and fat:

One ounce of chia seeds provides the following nutrients approximately 11 grams of fiber, 9 grams of fat and 4 grams of protein1.  That combo helps maintain balanced blood sugar (which helps balance hormones) and will keep you feeling full longer!

  • Loaded with Antioxidants:

Antioxidants are extremely important for hormones, and chia seeds have them! Instead of relying on supplements to get antioxidants, shift into healthier food choices, and enjoy better nutrition and better absorption. 

  • High-Quality Protein:

Protein is important to maintain a good equilibrium in hormones. Chia seeds get about 15% of their calories from protein and one-ounce yields 4 grams2.  

  • Balance Blood Sugar Levels:

High blood sugar levels create havoc for hormones. This is where chia seeds shine.  According to DH Herbs, “Chia gel slowly releases carbohydrates and helps to slow the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar) for energy. The outer layer of chia seeds is rich in mucilloid-soluble fiber, which keeps the seeds from drying out in desert air. When chia seeds mix with water or stomach juices, a gel forms that create a physical barrier between the carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down. Your body eventually digests the carbohydrates, but at a slower and uniform rate. There is no insulin surge or spike needed to lower blood sugar levels after eating chia seeds.”3

  • Decrease Inflammation:

Inflammation is a sign of imbalance. It is a response to imbalance and a good sign that your body needs some support.

Omega-3-rich chia may help prevent and ease chronic inflammation4. Including chia as a part of your healthy diet may reduce your risk of heart disease while supporting brain and hormone health!

Chia has too many benefits to ignore.  Start adding these cute little seeds into your diet.  A teaspoon of chia stirred into eight ounces of water will help you stay hydrated as it holds water in its seedcoat and releases it during digestion in the intestines. Add chia to smoothies and porridge, add them to your overnight oats. Add them and enjoy the benefits! 

  1. https://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/nut-and-seed-products/3061/2
  2. https://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/nut-and-seed-products/3061/2
  3. https://www.dherbs.com/articles/feature-chia-seeds-for-health/
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4030645/

Estrogen Dominance

What is estrogen dominance?

Estrogen is one of the two main sex hormones that women have. The other one is progesterone. Estrogen is primarily responsible for female physical features and reproduction. Men have estrogen, too, but in smaller amounts. 

Estrogen governs the growth of the breasts, pubic, and underarm hair. During puberty, it’s estrogen that triggers the start of menstrual cycles and estrogen that helps control the cycle through childbearing and into menopause.  This hormone has other functions too. Estrogen keeps cholesterol in control, protects bone health, and affects your brain (including mood), bones, heart, skin, and other tissues.

Your skin is plumper and more elastic due to the effect of the estrogen on collagen.  Furthermore, it aids in building your muscles and bones, slows down the aging process, increases your libido, balances your moods, and your sleep cycle. 

Slow dancing with estrogen is great, but everything takes a 180-degree turn if estrogen dominance becomes an issue. 

The term ‘estrogen dominance’ refers to a condition where your body continually produces estrogen in excess as compared to progesterone. During the follicular phase of your menstrual cycle, estrogen is naturally more dominant, but only for a few days.

Hormonal imbalance tends to have a cascade effect, so estrogen dominance often leads to a plethora of other health-related problems. Estrogen dominance can cause PMS symptoms due to which you can feel sluggish for days, weeks, or even months until you finally balance your hormones. 


Symptoms of Estrogen Excess:

If you experience any two or more of the following symptoms, you may have estrogen dominance.

  • Constant headaches or migraines
  • Water retention and bloating
  • Gaining weight in your lower body
  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Oily hair and skin
  • Fibroids
  • Acne
  • PCOS or Endometriosis
  • Tender and painful breasts
  • Hair loss
  • Random mood swings
  • Heavy flow during periods
  • Painful cramps before and during periods
  • Irregular periods


How to Balance Estrogen

The best natural way to balance estrogen is by detoxing your body. Detox does not mean that you starve your body or indulge in ridiculous juice cleanses. Instead, it refers to eliminating certain foods and drinks and replacing them with healthier options.  

To get rid of estrogen dominance and balance your hormones, you will have to take care of your liver. The liver is responsible for filtering blood, removing toxins, and balancing your hormones. To support liver health, avoid foods high in processed fat, sugar and salt and focus instead on fresh, whole foods and foods that are rich in fiber. Foods that are rich in vitamin C, sulfur, and B vitamins are also great for liver health.  Eating this way helps the body naturally detox and can be part of your path back to balance. 

Ditch the toxins that you put on your body and in your environment for another layer of support.  Try to use products that are clean and free of harmful chemicals. Whether it be makeup or skincare products, try to use organic products made from natural ingredients. Apart from this, you should also take care of your mental health by detoxing and removing all sources of negative energy from your life.

Check out my FREE 5 Steps to Detox Your Body for Healthy Hormones!


Estrogen Detox Smoothie:

To enjoy a tasty detox smoothie, blend the following ingredients until the mixture looks smooth and creamy and enjoy!

  • 3 cups kale/ spinach
  • Half peeled cucumber
  • Half lemon
  • Peeled knob of ginger
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 2 cups mango 
  • 1 handful fresh cilantro
  • 3 cups of water
  • 4 tablespoons ground flaxseed
  • 1 to 2 scoops of dairy-free, plant-based protein powder (optional)


Taking steps to balance your hormones, reduce toxins, and kick your natural detox response into gear may take some time.  If you don’t find yourself improving within about 30 days of solid changes, please consult your doctor. Your doctor will be able to more fully assess your health and order labs to get a better feel for your hormone levels so you will have a more personalized and informed path to balance.

Everything You Need to Know About Antioxidants

What Are They and How to Get Enough!

Have you ever taken an apple, sliced it in half and left it to sit on the counter? What did it look like an hour later when you came back to it? Probably brown on the cut side and a little whithered around the edges.  This 'browning' effect is called 'oxidization'. It's the stress caused to the cells of an apple directly by oxygen that causes the cells to weaken and die.

However, if you cut that apple and rubbed lemon juice on the cut side of the apple, it will take a much longer time for the oxidation to take place and the apple will stay crisp and white for a significantly longer period of time than without the lemon juice.  This is because the acidity in the lemon juice forms a protective barrier on the apple, preventing oxygen to get at the flesh and cause damage/stress.

Believe it or not, the cells in our body actually work the SAME way as the inside of an apple!  Every day, our bodies are strongly attacked by toxins in our food, soil, drinking water, environment, cleaning and hygiene products, and air.  This 'attack' on our cells is what contributes to cell and DNA damage.  However, some of this process is natural for our bodies to experience, as even regular healthy exercising causes oxidative stress to our cells!  

Therefore, anti-oxidants, are essentially the 'lemon juice' for our body!  They are a nutrient that provides a protective barrier around our cells to reduce, prevent further damage, and heal our body from oxidative stress.

If we allowed our cells and our DNA to become 'damaged' and continue to be attacked, then our immune system spends more time trying to fight off the attackers than trying to run your body efficiently and effectively.

But I don't feel like I'm under attack, so why do I need them?

Our bodies are designed to work perfectly in sync within themselves. Each organ, muscle, bone, hormone, nerve, and cell has a function and a task to complete.  When our bodies are working at 100% of their ability, everything works in harmony and we experience health and wellness. However, when parts of our system are under attack, the body focuses energy on fighting off the attack, thereby distracting each part of our body from their designated healthy task.

As a result, we end up with more illnesses, injuries, diseases, symptomatic responses, and inflammation within our bodies. Since illness and disease is often a compounding effect of unbalance within our body, many illnesses and diseases can go unnoticed for quite some time.  And often, the symptoms that we do end up experiencing (such as muscular pain, joint stiffness, fatigue, anxiety, stomach aches, and headaches) are just passed off as a normal part of 'aging and daily life'. 

While we do all age, and there is no avoiding that, we can provide our body with the best set of defenses to slow the aging process and the progression of illnesses and diseases. In fact, having a healthy store and continuous source of antioxidants has been shown to improve cardiovascular wellness, support our immune system, reduce inflammation, protect our DNA (meaning our future children's health is also strengthened), improve the tissues on and within our body and increase the quality of our life!


Okay, now I understand WHY I need them, so how do I GET them?

Well, the best way to get antioxidants into your body is by eating lots of fruits and vegetables!  They, along with nearly all plant-based foods, contain varying levels of antioxidants! These include beans and lentils, grains, green tea and spices! Plants have been found to have 64 times MORE antioxidants than animal-based foods!, and in fact, many of the toxins found in these products will actually contribute to oxidative stress - so be mindful of your purchases.  That's not to say that all fruits and veggies are safe, either though!  Most produce that has been sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals will contain harmful properties that attack our bodies at a cellular level. So being an informed consumer and washing your produce extremely well before consuming will help reduce the toxic load on our bodies. 

So how much do we need every day?

Dr. Gregor recommends that we consume a daily minimum of 8 000 - 11 000 units of antioxidants to balance with the oxidative stress we experience daily.  So for 'good health' aim for the 8-11 000, but for optimal health, we want to aim to have MORE than the daily minimum so our bodies are prepared for a heavier toxic load that could hit us at any time.

He mentions a study in which the antioxidant level within our blood was measured and it showed that antioxidants can drop in a matter of 2 hours after a stressful event (which includes regular daily stress, illness, and fatigue) and yet it can take up to 3 days to build our antioxidant levels back up to safe limits! Therefore, it's recommended that not only are we eating a minimum of 11 000 units per day, but we're doing so by spacing it out equally throughout the day to avoid any significant drops in our levels.

I know what you're thinking right now - "this sounds all fine and dandy, but those 11 000 units mean NOTHING to me"! Yup, me too! That's why I've put together this list of 10 foods high in antioxidants to help you meet the minimum of 11 000 units daily!  If you wanted an incredibly in-depth list, I recommend checking out Dr. Gregor's video called "Anti up on the Veggies"

Here is just a quick sample of how to reach that minimum!

1 serving of blueberries = 9019 units!

4 leaves of red leaf lettuce = 1213 units!

1 serving of kidney beans = 6864 units!

1 tsp of dried oregano = 1831 units!

1 apple = 5900 units!

1 serving of dates = 3467 units!


These foods have been shown, by a study completed by Cornell University, to not only contain the highest amounts of antioxidants but to also have the highest level of antioxidant activity WITHIN human liver cells!

  1. Beets
  2. Red peppers
  3. Eggplants
  4. Brussel Sprouts
  5. Broccoli
  6. Cabbage (especially red cabbage)
  7. Mushrooms
  8. Asparagus
  9. Green Pepper
  10. Cauliflower

So load up on these veggies and be sure to include lots of berries and citrus fruits to boost that antioxidant power in your body!

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