
Change Your Life Today!


MomRevival Membership 

The one place designed to make being a healthy and happy woman the easiest place!

Are you ready to ...

have endless energy all day long?
lose excess fat with ease and no dieting?
ditch the overwhelm around your health?

Click play on the video to the right to learn more.  


Or keep reading below...

[Insert Promotional or Introduction Video]


If You've Ever Struggled With

  • waking up with energy and avoiding coffee all day long...
    falling on and off track with your weight loss...
  • trying every trendy diet and supplement just to see some sort of improvement...
  • feeling moody with your family because of the overwhelm - then followed by serious #momguilt for the way you're lashing out

There's no need to struggle anymore!!

I'll show you how you can unlock endless energy, even if you're still up with kids during the night, melt body fat with ease so you never have to diet again and live the simplest healthy lifestyle even if you're strapped for time, or totally frustrated with yourself!

What if I told you that the underlying problem of all of your issues are


And the great thing is that with the right support, you can actually balance all of your hormones so that you're working WITH your body, instead of against it!


We all know how important it is to nourish our bodies, but let's face it, eating healthy can feel overwhelming and complicated. Plus, who has the time or patience to figure out how to make sure you're getting all the right nutrients for your body?


I get it, momma. You don't want to be hungry all the time, and you definitely don't want to spend all your free time (what's free time?) in the kitchen. But don't worry, I've got your back. I know firsthand how frustrating it can be to try to balance your busy schedule with a healthy diet!!


That's why I created a solution that works for me and so many other women just like you. With my training and experience, I've created a program that takes the guesswork out of healthy eating, losing weight, renewing your energy, and feeling AMAZING in your body!


No more complicated recipes or feeling like you're starving yourself. Just simple, easy-to-follow steps to help you create a healthier lifestyle, one day at a time.

And I know it works because I live this lifestyle!

Hi, I’m Jenn! I have been coaching and guiding women through their hormone health journeys for several years. In 2010, I found myself hitting rock bottom… I was always exhausted, constantly sick, gaining weight, and just feeling overall disgusted with myself.

I started dieting, exercising as much as I could, and staying up late to read and research more quick fixes.

I didn't know at the time but I was making my situation worse!

It took some time (almost 10 years actually), but I studied and kept trying  –– honing in on what was really at the root of my health issues.

a female nutritionist stands outside with her arms crossed and her hair blowing in the wind, smiling at the camera

It wasn’t easy, but after trying new skills and techniques, I was able to figure out what works for me and finally change my life!

I was able to regain the energy that I had lost in my early 20s, eat healthy on a daily basis without effort, clear my mind of the clutter and fuzziness that left me feeling detached and overwhelmed, and even lost the 30 lbs that I had gained from all those momma hormones!

But I didn't do this alone! I had an entire crew cheering me on and watching me take the lead in my health!

I realized that support was the biggest key to me successfully making (and keeping) healthier habits in my life.

It was also the biggest thing missing when I realized I needed to improve my health.

Since starting my coaching practice, filling this gap and giving women the real support they desperately need has been a passion and a mission that drives me every day - and what has led me to create the MomRevival Membership!

The MomRevival Membership is one of the most in-depth options you will find to help and support you in building healthier eating habits that will RECHARGE your energy, LOSE excess weight with ease, and have you feeling AMAZING in your body again!


✅Wake up feeling energized every day... EVEN if you're still up during the night with kids

✅Melt excess body fat with ease... WITHOUT spending hours on the treadmill doing cardio or intense HIIT workouts 

✅Enjoy healthy eating and NEVER diet or restrict your food again

✅Balance your hormones for LIFE-LONG results

✅DITCH the bloating and food cravings that leave you feeling gross and defeated

✅Discover inner peace to CALM the overwhelm, anxiety, and hot-wiring that leaves you feeling fuzzy and detached 

✅Build healthy habits into your lifestyle and never fall OFF TRACK again

✅Feel AMAZING in your body and start loving your life again!


Here's what's included... 

Every Month your membership gives you access to: 

  • NEW recipe guide with easy and delicious healthy recipes
  • 4 full weeks of suggested meals already planned out
  • Complete shopping lists, so you can just head to the store and shop
  • A new masterclass learning module, to remove confusion about health, hormones, and nutrition
  • Weekly tasks to break down your journey into SIMPLE and EASY action steps for guaranteed results!
  • Monthly online group coaching calls to give you clarity and ongoing support
  • 1 new member group kick-off call to start you off without any overwhelm
  • 1 community challenge, workshop, or live demo
  • Access to an EXCLUSIVE and private community for tips, support, and check-ins to help you reach your goals

Here’s what you’ll discover... 

How to lose weight without fad rules and enjoy eating your favorite foods!

How to balance your hormones and stop feeling like a walking zombie all day long!

How to overcome the mindset that holds you back from achieving the life you want to live!

How to ditch the sugar cravings that keep you in an endless push-and-pull cycle!

How to restore your gut health and never suffer from embarrassing symptoms again!


Membership Learning Modules & Tasks

There's a lot of information about there, but not all of it is accurate or structured to help you truly understand HOW or WHY to make changes in your health. The learning modules are scientifically-supported, relevant to women's health, and structured in a way that you can apply to your life!

  • Become a detective of your symptoms and learn how to read what your body is telling you
  • Understand how the vicious cycle you're in with your health is started AND stopped by your hormones
  • Skip the 10+ years of trial-and-error that I went through and follow a PROVEN framework to optimize your body and hormones
  • Empower yourself to live a healthy lifestyle with simplicity and fun!

Recipe Guides & Optional Meal Plans

As moms, decision fatigue is the real deal. Factor in feeding the family and all of the issues that come along with that (time, selective eaters, food sensitivities, etc), and making meals can feel like a serious source of energy-sucker!

  • Stop trying to figure out what to eat, just follow the optional meal plans
  • Never track your macros, weigh your food, or restrict again
  • Eat huge portions of food, feel full, and still hit your body goals
  • Get meals on the table in 30 minutes or less
  • Remove the confusion about what's healthy and see how simple good nutrition really can be! 

What Others Have to Say About The Modules

"Discover your root causes and build better habits"

"I met Jenn online and from the first time we spoke, I knew she really cares. Through her personalized program and great feedback, I was able to learn more about my body. I got to build better habits that have helped improve my skin, hair, and cycle... Now, I am able to link a symptom to the root cause, and make better decisions so I can have better results. I feel very supported and I'm glad that I have someone like Jenn in my Rolodex. I'm just truly grateful for her support and all that she does!? I can say with confidence that if you're looking for someone to guide you on your health journey, she can help you as well.” -- Michelle


"Eat foods that promote health for the whole family"

"Jenn, hands down, has had the biggest impact in helping not just me, but my whole family, to want to eat foods that promote health & longevity! As a woman entering perimenopause, I knew my body was changing & it was important to me to lean into this & not resist what my body was naturally needing to do. I honestly cannot praise Jenn enough! I am forever grateful to you & your guidance!” -- Jen 



These extra goodies are included with your purchase and come at absolutely no extra cost or obligation to you. With a combined value of over $590, they're GOLDEN.

Bonus #1: 45-minute private strategy call with ME to create your success path within the membership! - $197 Value

  • Get a customized and personalized strategy to work your way through the membership at fast-track speed! 
  • Identify the immediate challenges and roadblocks in your way and receive personalized strategies to overcome them
  • Receive additional worksheets/tools/resources specific to your needs - not found in the membership! 

Bonus #2: Cycle-Syncing Course - $397 Value

You'll have access to the ultimate insider’s look into how you can be living your best, happiest, sexiest, and most productive life by maximizing your menstrual cycle phases!

  • Learn the ins and outs of your menstrual cycle - beyond the 5th-grade health class level 
  • Understand the dominant hormones at different times of your cycle and how to support them
  • Learn how to maximize the dominant hormones and phases to be healthier, happier, sexier, and more productive
  • Eat, exercise, and structure your life according to your cycle for results that never slide back (buh-bye PMS weight gain)
  • Avoid annoying symptoms like PMS, menstrual pain, acne, and fatigue through nutrition and lifestyle practices 

It's all included when you sign up today. Of course, I know that this is a big step to finally ditch the diets, lose the resistant weight, and feel amazing all day long and I want you to make your decision with the utmost confidence. That's why...

You Are Automatically Backed By My No Questions Asked, CANCEL ANYTIME guarantee

Sign up for $74/month today and take up to 90 days to evaluate and put the teachings and food to work for you. If you’re not able to have more energy or start losing weight, just let me know and you can cancel your membership. No questions asked. Consider it your 90-day trial to discover that balancing your hormones WORKS...completely risk-free.

If that sounds fair, here's some even better news...

You’re Not Alone In Your Health Journey

Aside from the obvious health and wellness improvements… This is the biggest reason The MomRevival Membership is so successful with all of my clients.


It’s also the reason this is so different from any health plan or membership you have seen yet.


While most other coaches will give you pointers, tips, and a few recipes to get you started, it’s hard-pressed to find one that supports ALL of your hormone needs.

My MomRevival Membership is ready to take you from surviving to thriving!

The MomRevival Membership is one of the most in-depth holistic health options you will find to help and support you in building healthier eating habits that will RECHARGE your energy, LOSE excess weight with ease, and have you feeling GREAT in your body again!

Every Month your membership gives you access to: 

  • NEW recipe guide with easy and delicious healthy recipes
  • 4 full weeks of suggested meals already planned out
  • Complete shopping lists, so you can just head to the store and shop
  • A new masterclass learning module, to remove confusion about health, hormones, and nutrition
  • Weekly tasks to break down your journey into SIMPLE and EASY action steps for guaranteed results!
  • Monthly online group coaching calls to give you clarity and ongoing support
  • 1 new member group kick-off call to start you off without any overwhelm
  • 1 community challenge, workshop, or live demo
  • Access to an EXCLUSIVE and private community for tips and support to help you reach your goals

Exclusive Summer Bonuses

  • Bonus #1: 45-minute private strategy call with ME to create your success path within the membership! - $197 Value
  • Bonus #2: Cycle-Syncing Course - $397 Value

PLUS, if you join before September 1st, you'll be LOCKED IN at the LOWEST rate EVER - only $74/month!

Membership rates are increasing on September 1st.

Click Here to Lock In Your Membership Rate Now!


You DESERVE to feel amazing!

Here's to Your Health,

Jenn J
Holistic Nutritionist
Women's Hormone Health Specialist

P.S. I'm a mom and short on time, too - that's why this is structured to get you fast and lasting results without overwhelming you! Click here to get started.

P.P.S. Your period does NOT have to dictate your life - put that drama to rest with the Cycle Syncing Course when you enroll today in the membership. Get yours now.

P.P.S. You can cancel anytime - nothing to lose (except that annoying mummy tummy) and TONS to gain! Sign up today!

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